Saturday, April 4, 2020

Now a days people are facing very strange problem known as “Unemployment”. The Unemployment is very known problem for who’s which people are just pass out their collage degree courses and got higher marks but its not sufficient in your life that only you`ve passed several examinations and got college degree. Here problem arise with person who go for interview and they got rejections many times and from many companies, One thing I know that rejections only comes when we are not suitable for particular work.

So friends instead of getting frustrated we have an idea in which you can earn sufficient in comparison to doing job in any company. Here I am very excited to tell you that you should think about your nearest opportunities and you can set an idea in your mind that what is going on and what services is required nearby you. Might be possible you are not that kind of person who can work continuously 7-8 hours a day and get fixes wages for your living but not your dream job, may be you have creative insight to be an entrepreneur might be you have knowledge about business and its process but if not continue thinking and keep eye on small business process nearby you.

Only needed your dedication and motivation for your work what you want to start, Let me suggest you some interesting idea`s which can make your life.
So friends I found in nearby opportunity, one day I required maid for my house cleaning so I keep trying to contact several people but I’ve got nothing in my nearby also I found many apps but no one providing services in my area so instead of get searching I decided to make an app who can provide services in my area and nearby, First I convinced to those people who want to do job so I create separated for job taking and one separate job for one who want these services.

After 14 days I completed my user app for maid booking services and after 14 days I completed separate app for maids for job grabbing, People was so exciting to register on my app and many maids ready to be register their self but the problem is education so I tried to take small party in my house and invite maids to join discussion and via ppt I explore my app functionality and now they all are set to start work this process took 2 weeks for people gathering,

Now before publish there are several investors who is keep watching on my meeting activities and they ready to invest money on my business now I have sufficient money to invest on this business I remember I started business from my home now its registered company and making sufficient plus they got lots of members automatically join day by day now I have more than 35k download and remember this app was for a small area you can set to countrywide or worldwide.
App is available for sale plus training also provided by me in which I will train you how to set your business how you can grow day by day you can contact me to explain more about it.
Contact : Uber for maids

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